war poets of 1st world war.

   Note on war poets of 1st world war.

1)      Rupert Brooks

2)      Siegfried Sassoon

3)      Wilfred Owen

                                      These are three prominent poets during First World War. They are called as “the trench poets”. They are known as the trench poets because they fought the first world war as soldier holding different rank. Siegfried Sassoon was a typical country gentleman, he spends his youth playing cricket and writing lyrical poetry. Siegfried Sassoon’s poem “Counter attack” is still read and appreciated because it tells about the violence, bitterness and futility of war. The main characteristics of Books poetry is ‘realism’. Mostly his novel is about facts of life, and such a common place and themes. Brooks was canonized and he was recognize as a Saint and was called St.Rupert. Brooks is more known for his sonnets especially “The Soldiers”. Wilfred Owen is inspired by the poet Siegfried Sassoon. His most famous poem is “Apology for my poetry” Wilfred Owen was killed in the battle  just one week before the  declaration of armistice.


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