
Showing posts from January, 2017
Whats app and  rumors अमेरिका को English में America ही बोलते . जापान को भी English में Japan बोलते भूटान को भी English में Bhutan ही बोलते श्रीलंका को भी English में Sri Lanka ही बोलते .a बांग्लादेश को भी English में Bangladesh ही बोलते नेपाल को भी English में Nepal ही बोलते . इतना ही नहीं अपने पडोसी मुल्क पाकिस्तान को भी English में Pakistan ही बोलते . फिर सिर्फ भारत को ही English में India क्यों बोलते ? तो Oxford Dictionary के अनुसार India यह शब्द कैसे आया यह ९९ % लोगो को भी पता तक नहीं होगा ... I - Independent N- Nation D- Declared I - In A- August इसीलिए इंडिया (India) दोस्तों   इस पोस्ट को कृपया इतना शेयर करो की , ज्यादा से ज्यादा भारतीयों को यह पता चल सके This is another message which i received in what’s app. This is a type f rumours are nowadays very viral in the social media. This is totally ‘absurd’...
              The mill on the floss   ‘The mill on the floss’  is written by famous writer ‘George Eliot’ it s a quite lengthy novel and have so many characters. This novel speaks about the society of Victorian times and the mindset of the people.        Mary Ann Evans   is a full name of the write George Eliot. She is a leading writer of the Victorian age, not only a writer but poet, journalist, translator also. I also studied another novel of the same writer, which is ‘Middle March’.      The central character of the novel is Maggie Tulliver and her brother Tome Tulliver. Maggie is a clever and intelligent. Her father is the owner of the Mill in the city namely St. Ogg's. Here in this novel we find the brother and sister’s love, Maggie is emotionally depended on her brother, though Maggie is more educated than Tom. For the better future of his son Mr. Tulliver decided th...
             ODE TO THE NIGHTINGALE                                                               _JOHN KEATS                          Ode to a nightingale is a personal poem that describes Keat’s journey into the state of negative capability the tone of the poem rejects the optimistic pursuit of pleasure found within Keat’s earlier poems and explores the themes of nature and morality, the latter being particularly personal to Keats the nightingale described within the poem experiences a type of death but does not act...

Culture and Anarchy by Matthew Arnold

Culture and Anarchy by Matthew Arnold                            Culture and Anarchy is a series of periodical essay by Matthew Arnold collected as a book in 1869. The preface was added in 1875. The book contains most of the terms-culture, sweetness and light barbarians, philistines, Hebraism and many others which are more associated with Arnold’s work influence.                         Culture was new social and intellectual movement. 1.        Cultivation 2.        Cultivated 3.        Civilization                        Culture...

Tradition and Individual talent

Tradition and Individual talent Ø    T.S. Eliot’s Tradition and Individual Talent was published in 1919 in the Egoist-The Times literary supplements. Ø      This essay described by David Lodge as the most celebrated critical essay in English of 20 th century. Ø Concept of Tradition Ø         Theory of denationalization. Ø         Tradition has a Three-fold  significance 1)       Tradition cannot be inherited and involves a great deal of labour and learning. 2)       It involves appreciation not only of the pastness of past, but also of its presence. Ø    Eliot’s conception f history is a dynamic one and not static; and is forever in state of flux. Ø   Tradition is a matter of much wider significance. It cannot be inherited and if you want it you must obtain it by great labour. Ø   Eliot gives importance to the i...

કેમ ચાલ્યા ગયા?

કેમ ચાલ્યા ગયા? કેમ ચાલ્યા ગયા? આવ્યા પૂછ્યા વગર, ને કહ્યા વગર  ચાલ્યા ગયા. મારા દિલમાં જગા બનાવી  કેમ ન રોકાયા અને કહ્યા વગર  ચાલ્યા ગયા. વાવના મીઠડા પાણી જેવી તો, અષાઢના પહેલા વરસાદ જેવી ક્યારેક, "કાના" ની મોરલીના સુર જેવી, યાદો આપીને  કેમ ચાલ્યા ગયા? આવ્યા પૂછ્યા વગર, ને કહ્યા વગર  ચાલ્યા ગયા.                                બીનાબા ગોહિલ