Book review of the Authar by Aahwini Bhatt

Authar Ashwini Bhatt Authar is written by Gujrati novelist Ashwini Bhatt. It is a susspence thrillar novel. It reflected tge time after 1857's freedom fighting movement. It is based on struggle of rajput kings after this freedom fighting movement to save their kingdoms. There are very few books which discribe suffering of the kings and kigdoms after 1857's freedom fighting movement and Veleslie's so called "Shaykari Yojana" . The protagonist is himself narrater and prince of small kingdom'Janor' nearby 'aNarada' so there is a lots of discription of beauty of Naramada . I red many books of Ashwini Bhatt , and his female characters are as strong as male character. In this book character of Rajeshwaridevi- Queen of Janor comes out as a very smart politician ,and she take decision very quickly. Being friend of Britisher's she consapire aginst them and helped to a freedom fighters. In this novel a writer put nation...